Food Storage Life Hacks: Cooking with Kids

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I really love cooking with my kids, it really is one of my favorite things to do!  I usually have them cook dinner with me at least one day a week and they make cookies with my husband every Sunday (it’s not embarrassing that my husband makes way better cookies than I do, right?).  But maybe you’d be surprised to learn how food storage actually makes cooking with kids even easier!  My favorite kid trick is powdered eggs.  Trust me, I’ve had nieces and nephews, church groups of young girls, and my own kids at my house baking with powdered eggs and they love it.  Why?  Well for starters the powdered eggs are already pasteurized so they can eat the cookie dough or lick the beaters without any fear of salmonella (isn’t that every moms best bribe for getting kids to cook with them?) and moms love them because you don’t have kids trying to crack the eggs (isn’t that every kids favorite job?).  I’m telling you, using powdered eggs in your baking will revolutionize the baking process at your house!

Cooking with Powdered Eggs

  1. The ratio for baking with powdered eggs is simple 1 T. dry egg powder + 2 T. water = 1 medium egg.  If you’re making something like a cake you will probably want to double that amount.
  2. Just like cooking with powdered milk, you will add the dry egg powder to your dry ingredients and the water to the wet ingredients.
  3. If you’re worried about the eggs clumping, then mix it with the flour or other dry ingredients before adding to the water.

Want more tips for cooking with kids?

Did you know I have an entire handout dedicated to cooking with kids?  It goes over all of the benefits of getting your kids in the kitchen, kid-friendly recipes, and tips for you to ENJOY having your kids with you. Click HERE to download my Kids in the Kitchen handout.

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