How to Make Magic Mix and Why it Will Revolutionize How you Cook

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magic mix made from powdered milk

This simple food storage mix made from powdered milk, flour or cornstarch, and butter will revolutionize the way you cook!

Have you ever heard of magic mix?

It’s a simple mix of flour (or cornstarch, if you’re gluten free), butter and powdered milk that will allow you to easily and effortlessly make flawless white sauces, smooth gravies, homemade cream soups, and even chocolate pudding in just minutes!  It’s honestly one of the best kitchen hacks to save you money and time while cooking.

If you’ve ever tried to make a white sauce, you know it can be a little tricky. With Magic Mix, making white sauce is simple and quick, and you’ll use your powdered milk. So say hello to Magic Mix and perfect white sauces in seconds!

Developed by the Utah State Extension Service, Magic Mix is a combination of powdered milk, butter, and flour or cornstarch—yes, now you have an easy gluten-free option! Once you use it to make a white sauce, Magic Mix will be the new “must have” in your cooking arsenal. Try these recipes (or any recipes that call for a white sauce), and your family won’t be able to resist!


It’s simple! Just use Magic Mix in any recipe calling for a white sauce. In fact, you can add a little Magic Mix to anything you’d like to be creamy. Unlike flour that clumps in hot liquid, Magic Mix does not! So go ahead and add some magic mix into your family’s favorite recipes; some dishes that often contain a white sauce are creamy soups, homemade macaroni and cheese, pasta sauces, and vegetable dishes like new potatoes with peas.

To put it simply, it’s a mix that will revolutionize the way you cook, but before we can show you the rest of its amazing properties, you’ll need to know how to make it. Be sure to subscribe to our new YouTube channel to learn how to make your own condensed soups (like cream of chicken, mushroom, tomato or celery), a deliciously easy Slow Cooker Potato Soup with Magic Mix, a decadent chocolate pudding and even super easy gravy!  To make it even easier, you can check out these food storage conversion chart magnets that make cooking with your food storage as simple as can be.


food storage conversion chart magnets detail
Before you print the recipe, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube Channel!  So you never miss a new video!  Every week I post a new video with more tips and tricks for using your food storage in normal, deliciously easy, everyday ways! And be sure to follow me on Instagram (@everydayfoodstorage) to see how I’m using my food storage everyday…literally…ha ha.

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Look—we get it, the world of food storage can be a confusing place not many people want to visit, but we’re changing all of that with our food storage best-seller books  Store This, Not That! The ultimate food storage guide  and I Can’t Believe It’s Food Storage: A step-by-step program for using food storage in your own recipes.  Think of them as the Cliff notes for food storage. You know, just go straight to what works, and forget everything else. We’ll help you quickly decipher what you should and should not be storing, share with you space saving tricks and insider information to save you $1,000s of dollars when buying your food storage, and in the end, how to make something your family would actually eat! Grab your copy today at or Deseret Book.

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  1. Love your post.
    Could you use powdered butter to make this a shelf stable item?
    I know several companies that carry a powder white sauce in a can (Alfredo sauce) would love to make my own shelf stable sauce.
    Thank you for all your great post

    1. Author

      Yes, I don’t normally do it because powdered butter costs $5 to make the equivalent of a fresh pound of butter. But, I have tried it and it does work. You just need to be sure to add in extra water for the powdered butter.

      1. Thank you
        How long is the magic mix good for in the icebox? Once again thank you

        1. Author

          It will store in your fridge for 3-6 months…if you don’t go through it before then. 😉

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