This is DEFINITELY the season for caramel apples. And making homemade caramel (instead of just melting Kraft caramels) isn’t as hard as you think! Plus, the taste difference between homemade and Kraft caramels is ENORMOUS! I couldn’t believe how much better the homemade was. I don’t know why, but I’m always so surprised when I make something from scratch and it tastes better than what the store bought stuff does. Give it a try!
Homemade Caramel Apples
8-10 Granny Smith Apples (with popsicle sticks)
1 c. butter
1 14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk (1/2 c. hot water + 1 c. non-instant dry milk powder + 1 c. sugar + 1 T. butter, mixed in blender-click HERE for a video of how to make sweetened condensed milk)
2 1/4 c. brown sugar
1 c. corn syrup
1 t. vanilla
1. Wash and dry apples. Stick popsicle sticks in the stem. Place aluminum foil or wax paper sprayed with non-stick spray on 9×13 pans.
2. Melt butter and brown sugar together over medium high heat, stirring constantly. Add in sweetened condensed milk and corn syrup and keep stirring constantly! Heat until 245 degrees (keep stirring!) on candy thermometer or until small amount of mixture dropped into cup of very cold water forms a firm ball that holds its shape until pressed. Immediately remove from heat and add vanilla.
3. Roll apples in caramel and place on foil/wax paper lined pan. Allow to cool for 2 hours.
Hey, I think it's a great idea to offer the silver membership. I think your videos are really great!
I am a gold member, but the recipe and menu links aren't showing up for me. It said to log in using the form below, but I didn't see anywhere to do that. In the box it said I was already logged in. Any suggestions? I love your site!
I can't believe your charging to watch your blog. This makes me really sad. I have never seen a blog before that you have to pay for. I think everything has gone to your head. All you do is “copy” recipes and claim them as your own. I don't know how you can actually publish a book when you did not create the recipes yourself. I was a faithful reader untill you asked for money so I will be moving on the better things. I hope you consider going back to a free-for-all blog.
Is there a substitute for corn syrup? It's not a usual pantry item for us. Love your site and ideas:)Thanks.
You are totally awesome. You deserve all the blessings that you have coming to you. You continue to inspire and keep me excited about using my food storage.
Okay, I tried this recipie, the carmel was great but when it cooled it turned very hard. So I am wondering what I did wrong. I was short about 2 tbls of corn syrup – could that have caused it to go hard? Another thing I did which was different was that I made my own brown sugar with white sugar and molasis- maybe that? I've made carmel apples before with the Kraft carmels and the same thing happened – when it cooled the carmel went very hard. I think when you use Kraft carmels (or premade carmels) you have to had a some extra water. Anyway, do you have any ideas. The carmel taste really is very devineand you are right much better than the store botton kind of carmesl. I love it and really want it to work.
It sounds like you cooked the caramel too long. You have to remove it from
the heat as soon as it reaches temperature. Good luck next time!
Thanks. I'll take off the heat sooner next time.
Corn syrup and high-fructose corn syrup are not the same product, just like vegetable oil and hydrogenated vegetable oil are not the same product.
I love this site!
Ok, I am making this as we speak, and my caramel is more runnier than yours, when you are dipping the apples. Mine only have a barely there thin coat of caramel left on them. I'm going to let the caramel cool down and dip them again. I made it as directed but with canned sweetened Cond. milk. and let it reach 245' like you have in the recipe, but in the video you say 248'.
wow! every eating! Great!
NonStick Pan
I don't understand
1 14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk
Is it 1 oz and 1/4 oz yes or not
Charm, 14 oz. is almost two cups. There are 8 oz. in a cup. The sweetened condensed milk you can buy at the store comes in 14 oz. cans and the recipe above, for sweetened condensed milk using food storage ingredients, makes an equivalent amount.
Oh thank you.
It just 14 Oz
you mean 14 Oz = 1 can
It is ONE 14 oz. can.
It is ONE 14 oz. can.
I just made these caramel apples and that was the first time I have ever made my own sweetened condensed milk. These are awesome! I can’t believe how well they turned out. Your right, these are way better than melting Kraft caramels! (and actually really easy too.)