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Mending Hearts and Hands

In the FIRST THREE MONTHS after you have experienced a catastrophe, you will experience a “new normal”.  You will redefine what is important to accomplish each day and in life in general. There of course will be digging through the rubble to find your treasured memories and lots of clean-up. Most survivors will suffer with some kind of emotional trauma, this is normal, and some will continue healing from injuries. There will be LOTS of decisions to be made. Can you stay in your house or do you have to relocate? Which of the hundreds of construction companies that have invaded your town area trustworthy to hire? What will the insurance company cover?  Your mind, body and heart will be taxed to it’s limits as doing anything, even something as simple as a meal seems to take too much energy. But there are things you can do to minimize the impact these will have on you and your family. Learning what they are, and preparing now, can protect you and your family from getting buried in the recovery muck.


The FIRST THREE MONTHS after you have experienced a catastrophe, you will quickly adapt to a “new normal”.  You will redefine what is important to accomplish each day and in life in general.  There will be LOTS of decisions to be made.  Your mind, body and heart will be taxed to their limits as doing anything, even something as simple as a meal seems to take too much energy. But there are things you can do to minimize the impact these will have on you and your family. Learning what they are, and preparing now, can protect you and your family from getting buried in the recovery muck.


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