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What is a 90-day supply of food?

You are most likely familiar with the term “rainy day fund.”  It’s a term used to describe a savings account that ensures you have money to use when times are tough.  Think of your 90-day supply the same way: a way to ensure you have food to eat when times are tough.  And it makes sense, right?  You can’t eat money, unfortunately.  But you can have a supply of food to ensure you can feed your family following any job loss, family sickness, busy day, …well you get the idea, ANY PERSONAL EMERGENCY.  Simply put, its 90-days of meals that your family already eats. It includes foods that are shelf-stable like the foods in your pantry, but it also includes foods that are in your refrigerator and freezer and foods that you pick fresh from your garden. It is 90-days of meals you can use every day and during life’s emergencies; insuring that your family will stand strong through any storm.

Begin building your 90-day supply in three easy steps

  1. Start buying a few extras: Your 90-day supply should consist of food your family already eats. Build a small supply of food that is part of your normal, daily diet. One way to do this is to purchase a few extra items each week to build a one-week supply of food. Then you can gradually increase your supply until it is sufficient for three months. These items should be rotated regularly to avoid spoilage.
  2. Become the master of your food with menu-planning: The secret to great meals is in the planning. When you plan your dinner menus ahead of time, you eat healthier, save money, reduce stress, and enjoy delicious meals.
  3. Have a good back up plan: Stuff happens, but it doesn’t need to get you down.  With a great 90-day supply you will have emergency meals you can fall back on when life gets in the way of your plans.

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