Food Storage Back to Basics: Wheat-Home Made Graham Crackers Recipe

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in this videoLearn how to make breadsticks or pizza dough in only 30 minutes! I promise it’s do-able and DELICIOUS!

Homemade Graham Crackers-Part One:

Homemade Graham Crackers-Part Two:


Who knew you could make such amazing graham crackers right at home? Karen from ID sent me a GREAT recipe (it tastes like a mix between graham crackers and Teddy Grahams). It’s easy to make and uses food storage so you know I’d love it!

Graham Crackers-from Karen in Chubbuck, ID

1/3 cup shortening
3/4 cup plus 1 T. sugar (I use brown sugar)
3 T. honey, warmed
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 3/4 cups whole wheat flour
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 cup plus 2 T. water
I add in 1-2 t. cinnamon

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Combine shortening, sugar, honey and vanilla.
Blend until smooth. Combine dry ingredients in a separate bowl, and then
add dry mixture to the wet ingredients and blend well with electric mixer.

Slowly add water to the mixture while beating. You may have to mix by hand
until the mixture forms a large ball of dough.

Divide the dough in thirds and roll one third out on waxed paper till at
least 1/16″ thick. It should be very thin. Use a knife to trim into a
rectangle slightly smaller than the sheet pan you will be using. Grease
the baking pan with a light coating of shortening. Turn the dough over
onto the baking sheet and remove the wax paper.

Use a knife to score the dough into smaller crackers. Use a toothpick (or
fork) to poke holes over the entire surface of the dough. Bake for 22 to
24 minutes, or until the dough begins to turn light brown around the
edges. Turn the baking sheet around halfway through baking time for even
browning. Cool the crackers before breaking them apart along the scored
lines. Repeat process for remaining dough. If desired, you can sprinkle a
cinnamon/sugar mixture over the dough before baking to make cinnamon

next up We’re switching gears! Watch my powdered milk class to get a basic overview of powdered milk and get ready to be amazed!

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  1. Have you ever tried using shortening powder? I love it because it is easy to use, and it has a much longer shelf life than shortening sticks. It's a dry powder — just measure out the same amount you would use of regular shortening, and add it with your other dry ingredients. It's great in buttermilk biscuits!

  2. I'm making these right now and my “dough” is so runny! I've checked and checked my measurements and the ingredients and I don't know what I've done wrong! I'm going to try adding more flour to try to save it, but I'm afraid it may be beyond help. I'm sad.

  3. Just a note: I love this recipe and have made similar in the past. Honey Info.: I was also told PURE honey will actually go solid. I buy mine from a honey farmer and it does go solid. I just scoop it out of the small buckets that it comes in from the farmer and it works great. I was told that the honey bears and bottles that you buy in regular grocery stores have things added to them (not what I want) so they will stay liquified. So, solid/crystallized honey is better. 🙂

  4. I made these for the first time last weekend and they were so easy and so good. My husband, mom and grandma liked them better than the store-bought kind. I didn’t think they were quite as sweet as store bought but they really grew on me. I only made 1 of the 3 balls of dough so the other 2 are sitting in my freezer waiting for me to thaw, roll, prick and bake. I used butter instead of shortening – I wonder if that made any difference? Thanks for this recipe.

  5. This is great, thank you! We love graham crackers, cannot wait to try them.

    Just an FYI – if you run out of parchment paper, for rolling out of dough, try wax paper, possibly will work better than aluminum foil.

    Also, if you sew, or even if you don’t, you can get a ‘tracing wheel’ (it is used for marking patterns onto fabric), to make your score on the crackers. Think, the edges of Saltines or Cheez-it crackers.


    1. Update:

      I’ve made them, we tried them, had to make another whole batch because my family loved them! Awesome.

      Thank you Crystal!!

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