Square Foot Gardening 101: SEEDS!

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It’s finally here! The week long class dedicated to Square Foot Gardening! Because I am no expert on gardening, I’ve enlisted the help of Belinda Jensen the Square Foot Gardening pro from Home Gardens To Go to teach us all how to have successful, virtually weed-free gardens this year! Belinda was trained under Mel Bartholomew (Mr. Square Foot Gardening, himself), teaches square foot gardening classes in Utah, and trains anyone who wants to become Square Foot Gardening certified! If you haven’t met Belinda yet, make sure you check out the first day of the class posted last Mondaywhich introduces Belinda and goes over the basics and benefits of Square Foot Gardening. Remember, I’ve decided to dedicate all of this month to gardening and specifically this week long class with Belinda…because this is MY year and YOUR year to have a thriving hassle-free garden!


SQUARE FOOT GARDENING 101 DAY SEVEN: Seeds-with a bonus video about starting seeds indoors!

Learn everything you wanted to know about seeds.  Come to the grocery store as Belinda teaches me and you…Should you buy the cheapest seeds you can find, which plants are best for which seasons, which are best for vertical growing, which are best for kids, and which are best bought as seed starts.  Also, watch the bonus video where Belinda shows us how she successfully starts her seeds indoors!

BONUS VIDEO: Starting Seeds Indoors

For you ADVENTUROUS SOULS…here is a more in depth look at how to transfer your seedlings from vermiculite to the soil and other handy tips from Belinda…

TOMORROWS VIDEO: Planting your seeds and starts!



No problem!  Click one of the links below to see what you’ve missed!

Day One: Basics of Square Foot Gardening
Day Two: Secrets for Planning a Successful Garden
Day Three: The Boxes! Learn how to make them, buy them, and some secret benefits!
Day Four: Mixing Your Soil: Mel’s Mix!
Day Five: Composting-learn everything you need to know about efficient and effective composting

Day Six: Watering



Need more help with your garden? (Like me!) Belinda would love to help! Check out all she has to offer to help you set up your garden correctly. I personally had her come set up all of my boxes since I a) wanted to make sure it was done correctly and b) my husband works a lot of nights and Saturdays and didn’t have the time to dedicate to building and setting up boxes.

She is also offering all of you a FREE copy of Mel’s book The All NEW Square Foot Gardening with a garden package purchase-use the code “Q44I63MPGWH9Q” at check out.

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  1. I’ve watched every segment of your gardening week so far and I bought the book and my boxes and vermiculite. I’m so excited to have a garden that grows without weeds.

    You mentioned in the first video that you had tried to do this method on your own but had failed. So what mistakes did you make? I’d love to learn from your experience.

    Thanks for your great blog and ideas. I also own and LOVE an electric pressure cooker because of you.

    1. lol…I made a lot of mistake. My boxes weren’t getting 6-8 hours of full sun, I didn’t have a consistent source for watering, I didn’t fluff my peat moss so most of my box was peat moss, AND I used all turkey manure for the compost. Yeah…burned my plants from the nitrogen!

  2. I’m liking your site! Is anyone else having a problem with the sound for these videos, or is it just me? I can’t hear anything when I play them 🙁 Any ideas?

  3. Very important to do everything righ for having beautiful health plant, because in othere case they will look like weed. 

  4. After you use the vermiculite to start seeds, do you keep reusing it? Over and over, year after year? Or do you dump it after every season?

  5. I FINALLY got my box filled with Grow Box Mix (from J&J gardens) and made my grid for my box yesterday…It’s now July though, is it too late to start my garden? 🙂   I have some seeds I bought, I was just going to experiment and start planting.  Do I need to worry about what to plant next to each other or just plant wherever?  I’m a little nervous, it’s my first garden EVER.

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