I got this recipe from the woman that inspired me to start food storage and I love it! What kid doesn’t love tator tots? Plus, it sneaks in a vegetable, is SUPER easy to make, and is delicious. I always like to try and make things festive so I wroteRead More →

Okay, we’re getting personal and one of the things my husband and I always…um…discuss? is what to eat on Halloween. I grew up eating spaghetti. Come on, I have FOUR brothers and and doesn’t it look a little like blood and guts and something a boy would love if marketedRead More →

I’m so proud of all of you that are using food storage in your own recipes! I’ve received so many DELICIOUS looking recipes from the food storage fanatics out there that I wanted to dedicate Fridays to you! The first Fanatic Friday Recipe is…. Pumpkin Cookies with Caramel Icing. CortneyRead More →