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sos meals

What is emergency food?

Emergency food is the food you would eat if you were sheltering at home after a disaster.

What should it be?

The foods should be simple heat and eat foods that are easily rotated. Heat and Eat foods are meant to not just to sustain life, but to fill your bellies as you expend mental and physical energy over the next few weeks. These can be any foods that are shelf stable and fall into the: open; add water (if necessary); heat and eat category. These types of food can be eaten cold, right out of the can or box if necessary and require very little energy or brain power to make. They make it easy to conserve your water and fuel for more important things all while refueling your body and soul to give you that little extra to cope with the chaos around you. People deal with life better when they have eaten one filling meal per day with family or friends.

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