Like I said before, traditions can come from almost anywhere! I’ve shared one from my family, one from my husbands, and now for the newest tradition from a stranger. This is so new, it’s never been done before but it is all planned out for Saturday. One of the funnestRead More →

Okay, this next tradition comes from my husband’s side of the family. It’s important to incorporate traditions from both sides of the family since both are equally important! My mother-in-law always makes chili and corn bread on Saturday to eat inbetween Saturday Afternoon session and Priesthood session. It simmers allRead More →

My extremely talented cousin, Faith, gave this goodie bag out to the girls she visit teaches last April and while it’s not exactly food storage, I couldn’t pass up sharing it with all of you! It is so clever and can be done quickly and cheaply (just visit your localRead More →