Okay, so you all knew this was coming…a pie made with…BEANS! You know my love of beans in dessert and it doesn’t take a holiday on Thanksgiving! This Mock Pecan Pie gets it’s filling from PINTO BEANS! Pecan Pie is expensive to make (and ESPECIALLY to BUY). However, this recipeRead More →

In case you missed my appearance on Studio 5…here’s the video and tips! Studio 5 Contributor and Food Storage blogger, Crystal Godfrey shows you how to sneak healthy whole wheat into your favorite family recipes. Why you should love wheat: 1. Whole wheat contains more minerals, vitamins, and natural phytochemicalsRead More →

I’m so excited!  I know so many of you have questions about things you’ve heard about food storage or about the uses of products and I know that probably there are more than one of you that are wondering about it…so…introducing my new series!  LET ME TRY IT FIRST!  LeaveRead More →