Yeah! Back to School Week has started! Each day I’ll be covering basic cooking information about basic long term food storage items. You’ll want to pay attention because there may be a quiz with prizes at the end of the week. **HINT HINT…WINK WINK** I decided to start with PowderedRead More →

With benefits like these, it’s amazing more people don’t LOVE whole wheat!   1. It’s more nutritious, providing several more minerals, vitamins (18 more to be exact!), and natural photochemicals than white flour. 2. Relax! It has More B Vitamins which are known to help with nerves & stress. 3.Read More →

Alright, I think most people call this salad Taco Salad but growing up we called it Hachacha Salad…which I love because a) it’s really fun to say and b) it’s sounds better than plain old taco salad.  The theory is the same though and I love to serve this forRead More →