Like I said before, traditions can come from almost anywhere! I’ve shared one from my family, one from my husbands, and now for the newest tradition from a stranger. This is so new, it’s never been done before but it is all planned out for Saturday. One of the funnestRead More →

Okay, this next tradition comes from my husband’s side of the family. It’s important to incorporate traditions from both sides of the family since both are equally important! My mother-in-law always makes chili and corn bread on Saturday to eat inbetween Saturday Afternoon session and Priesthood session. It simmers allRead More →

Spaghetti has always been my favorite meal and what I grew up asking for on my birthday. I was so shocked to find out how EASY and DELICIOUS home made spaghetti sauce can be. My favorite part is that it can be made entirely from your canned three month supplyRead More →