So are you getting excited to see how easy it actually is to make your own jam? I’m embarrassed to admit that I was always nervous to actually can cooked jam-a total irrational fear, I know. I have no idea why because it’s honestly one of the easiest things to do. Plus, it has some great benefits…like…1) better taste 2) control over ingredients 3) a feeling of accomplishment (cheesy, but true!) and 4) a great excuse to get together with friends! I would definitely suggest making some rolls the night before you make jam because honestly, there is nothing better after you’ve finished canning some jam then to try a little. (There is always a little extra that doesn’t fit into a jar and you can just put it in a bowl and let it gel on the counter. It’s a hard job but someone needs to eat it! 🙂
Some fruits have enough natural pectin that you don’t actually have to add any pectin to make jam…Jana helps me show you how-see how below!
As you could see in the video, I was worried about making plum jam…and I’m even someone who enjoys plums. I was lucky enough to get sent this fruit from the Washington State Fruit Council to can with and I’m so thankful they did! I honestly would never have tried the plum jam but since this is Jana’s favorite jam she talked me into it. Ever since, I’ve eaten it on toast, rolls, ice cream, french toast, pancakes…yeah, pretty much it’s my new go two condiment. My toddler eats it plain and we’ve already gone through a jar…or two. Anyway, if you’re nervous about this flavor of jam, just try it in a small amount-I promise it won’t disappoint!
Make sure you come back tomorrow to learn how you can make cooked jam with out any added pectin! (It’s also my new favorite jam, so you won’t want to miss it!) What kind of jam are you planning on doing with your friends? Let us all know over at my facebook page!
just wondering how long the shelf life on each type of jam (no pectin/no added sugar). I have heard conflicting reports ranging from 6months to 2-3 years.
Hi Kristal…
Is it your ideas? I show this website to my wife and she interest to try that recipe. Whether it is durable? Well, I’ve never heard of making jam without added preservatives. I think it is healthy food and is suitable for children.
It looks very delicious… My wife will try to make it because she thought it was very easy. Tutorials that you give very easy…
By the way, can I replace plum fruit with other fruit? How about the recipe? Do the same with plum jam?
I am glad I watched this I didn’t think you had to do a water bath with jams. Also would it work if you use Splenda?
What fruits would not be high enough in natural pectin?