Bosch Videos to Come
Well, the last of my company left today and I had a wonderful weekend celebrating the life of my grandmother. I just wanted to give you a peek at what I’m working on. I filmed some videos with a Bosch expert showing you (if by some weird reason you’re notRead More →
Bread runs in my Genes…well that AND food storage!
My sweet, lovely grandmother passed away last week. She was known for her bread making. And why not? She made awesome bread AND since she had 12 kids she made 30 loaves a week by hand. Her kids (and kids’ friends) loved to help her make bread. She loved wholeRead More →
Bosch Giveaway!
THIS GIVEAWAY IS CLOSED-THANK YOU FOR ENTERING! *CONGRATULATIONS to the winners of the Deals to Meals 6 month subscription, they are KimK and Ashley Koenig* Please email me at efsgiveaways[at]gmail[dot]com so we can get you set up! Remember if you didn’t win-they ALWAYS have FREE trial 2 week subscriptions soRead More →
Grocery Shopping 101: Getting the Shopping Done!
GETTING THE SHOPPING DONE Okay, we went over how to prepare for the grocery store and how to be a smart consumer so now it’s time for my top tips for getting the grocery shopping done! (Monday will be my last installment-WHERE to put it all) When you purchase somethingRead More →
Grocery Shopping 101: Grocery Ads & Deals to Meals!
Okay, so I realize I may be weird because I LOVE looking through grocery ads (well, possibly it’s my love of food storage that makes me weird….anyway…again…that is for a different post). I know going through ads can be VERY confusing and hard to do. So, I made a quickRead More →
Grocery 101 Tips# 14-21: Meat
So, produce and meat are the biggest money makers for grocery stores so it’s important to be educated about the cuts of meat (they are definitely not all equal!) so you can stock up when the right stuff goes on sale. Tip #14 : Buy meat on SALE and stockRead More →