Back to School Survival: Granola
I’ve spent a long time looking for good granola recipes because a) it’s totally delicious b) it’s totally expensive to buy in the stores and 3) it’s a perfect way to use those oats sitting in your food storage. Well I have to say that I was literally giddy whenRead More →
Back to School Survival: Blender Wheat Pancakes
Alright, you knew this one was coming…Blender wheat pancakes are fabulous for a quick protein filled morning and a fast clean up for you! (A double win!) These are super yummy and you just can’t beat the taste of freshly ground wheat! I haven’t met one person yet who doesn’tRead More →
Back to School Survival: The Correct way to do Cooked Wheat Cereal
Alright, so if any of you are tired of buying cold cereal and would like to know how to use more of your food storage to have as cereal (outside of the obvious oatmeal) this is the post for you! I have a new favorite cereal and it comes straightRead More →
Food Storage Video: No Added Sugar Nectarine Jam
And of course, here is my favorite kind of jam-the no sugar added kind! Why? Because I love that it tastes more like the actual fruit. It can be tarter than regular jam, but I like a little tart. I did my nectarine jam this way and it is awesome!Read More →
Food Storage Video: Regular Sugar Apricot Jam
Alright, now it’s time to show how to make regular ol’ jam-the old fashioned way. I chose to make some apricot jam this way. Another tasty decision. My personal favorite is to put it on French Toast…but really it’s great on almost anything. Using pectin in this recipe will makeRead More →
Back to School Survival: Sausage TVP & Eggs
Alright, this is a very easy and great way to have sausage and eggs with out the price or fat of sausage. So yeah…this one is for all of you that have boys in your house! Now…TVP is one of those dreaded foods in food storage. WHY? Because it hasRead More →