Food Storage Video: No Pectin Plum Jam
So are you getting excited to see how easy it actually is to make your own jam? I’m embarrassed to admit that I was always nervous to actually can cooked jam-a total irrational fear, I know. I have no idea why because it’s honestly one of the easiest things toRead More →
Canning your own Jams!
Like I mentioned last week, we’ll be starting a cooking club this year on the blog (if you want more information about the club, click HERE). Don’t worry it’s FREE and EASY! All you need are a couple of friends who would also like to learn how to cook withRead More →
Back to School Survival: 45 Minute Cinnamon Rolls
Okay…another super mom moment here. Yeah…how cool to get cinnamon rolls ready quickly?! Even if you don’t want to use it during the school week-use it on the weekend when you want those kids up and doing chores! 😉 So I showed you how you before how you can createRead More →
Back to School Survival: Peanut Butter Moo’d
Yes…I’m serious give your kids a “milkshake” for breakfast (or lunch). This is my favorite go-to meal for my kids-in fact it’s a real treat and I feel like super mom with none of the sugar guilt ;). It’s packed with protein, calcium rich, a great way to use oldRead More →
Back to School Survival: Homemade Instant Oatmeal Packets
Does your family like those Quaker Instant Packets of Oatmeal? Then they will love this! It’s the same idea and your family can even make their very own flavors! Yeah, you heard me…you could actually make Oatmeal fun again (was it ever fun?…oh well….it is now!) This is actually oneRead More →
Back to School Survival: Oatmeal on the Go Bars and Eggs on the run
Okay, I have a problem, in that I really, really like to eat (if you couldn’t tell by my blog entirely dedicated to food) and I like to sleep. What this means, for me, is that my want to sleep-in is always at battle with the part of me thatRead More →