How to make Homemade Ice Cream with out an Ice Cream Maker
Homemade ice cream without an ice cream maker OR a ziploc bag filled with ice that I have to mush for a half hour-Yes, please! Did you know all you need to make your own ice cream is some whipped cream (the real stuff…not the whipped topping, I’m talking whippingRead More →
Easy Hot Fudge
HOT FUDGE WARNING: If you have a love affair with hot fudge…this post will only make it worse. If you don’t have a love affair with hot fudge…you soon will. Alright, now that you’ve been fair warned about how good AND easy this hot fudge will be-let’s get to businessRead More →
My how things change in two weeks!
Wow, where has the time gone! I’ve had a very fun and busy filled past couple of weeks. It was wonderful…I got to soak in some time with my new baby nephew, attend a family wedding, visit my family in Southern California, do A LOT of solar cooking (more toRead More →
Ask Belinda: Harvesting and planting in the same square
Harvesting Peas and Planting Tomatoes I’ve had questions about how you remove a plant, prepare your square and plant again. Thank goodness Belinda just made a video about it! [pinit] REMOVING A PLANT AND PLANTING A NEW PLANT: WINNERS OF THE KIDS GARDENING GIVEAWAY! Kristen S. Leighsabey Elizabeth Lewis AndreaRead More →
Ask Belinda: Herbs
Herbs in your Garden You guys are coming up with awesome questions! I actually was mildly afraid to plant some herbs in my square foot garden before doing this video…and then I promptly went and bought some herb seeds! Catch some of Belinda’s favorite herbs to grow and some newRead More →
Ask Belinda: How to organize seed packets and visually label your Square Foot Garden
Organizing your seeds and visually labeling your Square Foot Garden So, I was really excited when Kate asked this question because I too have noticed that I am gathering a large amount of seeds and as easy as throwing them all in a grocery bag-I figured that wasn’t the bestRead More →