Square Foot Gardening 101:Planting!
It’s coming to an end, the week long class dedicated to Square Foot Gardening is wrapping up. But have no fear! Belinda will be posting once a week answering your questions and going more in depth on certain topics. So if you have a question you’d like Belinda to answer,Read More →
Square Foot Gardening 101: SEEDS!
It’s finally here! The week long class dedicated to Square Foot Gardening! Because I am no expert on gardening, I’ve enlisted the help of Belinda Jensen the Square Foot Gardening pro from Home Gardens To Go to teach us all how to have successful, virtually weed-free gardens this year! BelindaRead More →
Square Foot Gardening 101: WATERING
It’s finally here! The week long class dedicated to Square Foot Gardening! Because I am no expert on gardening, I’ve enlisted the help of Belinda Jensen the Square Foot Gardening pro from Home Gardens To Go to teach us all how to have successful, virtually weed-free gardens this year! BelindaRead More →
Square Foot Gardening 101: Composting!
It’s finally here! The week long class dedicated to Square Foot Gardening! Because I am no expert on gardening, I’ve enlisted the help of Belinda Jensen the Square Foot Gardening pro from Home Gardens To Go to teach us all how to have successful, virtually weed-free gardens this year! BelindaRead More →
Happy Easter!….And BUNNY BUNS!
Just wanted to wish you all a Happy Easter this weekend! I hope you have a marvelous time with your families and that it isn’t snowing (like it is here!) More Square Foot Gardening classes will be up on Monday! As another update: Make sure and check me on StudioRead More →
Square Foot Gardening 101: The Soil-Mel’s Mix
It’s finally here! The week long class dedicated to Square Foot Gardening! Because I am no expert on gardening, I’ve enlisted the help of Belinda Jensen the Square Foot Gardening pro from Home Gardens To Go to teach us all how to have successful, virtually weed-free gardens this year! BelindaRead More →