Pressure Cooking Class: Introduction to Pressure Cookers

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Welcome to the first “day” of class! Today’s segment will be an introduction to pressure cookers. You’ll learn why you should be using a pressure cooker, how pressure cookers came to be, the basics on how they work, basic safety measures, the differences between a stove top and electric pressure cooker, pressure cooker terms in recipes, and if your pressure canner will work as a pressure cooker and vice versa. The videos will take a total of 20 minutes to watch (each is about 10 minutes long) so make sure the kids are in bed or at school and that you’ve got the computer to yourself…and make sure your friends watch it too. Then you can experiment with your pressure cookers together! Also, make sure you check back on Wednesday to learn how to pressure cook rice, beans, and wheat in a FRACTION of the time!


pressure cookers


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  1. Great general information, but just one correction–there are some models of pressure cookers that are made to be both cookers and canners. I have a 6 qt. pressure cooker/canner that is made for both and has instructions for both in it's user manual. It will only can 5 pints at a time, but it can be done. Of course, you don't want to be using a 20+ quart pressure canner for cooking dinner because small quantities in a huge pot would take forever to fill the empty space with pressurized steam.

  2. Thanks for the clarification! I forgot to mention that…see I need help
    with this pregnancy brain!

  3. I am really enjoying this! Thanks so much for doing all of this work Crystal! I just got your book from Amazon last week and can't wait to try so many recipes. Congratulations on your pregnancy. Are you expecting your second or third babe? I have six kids under age 9 so I can relate. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I am really enjoying this! Thanks so much for doing all of this work Crystal! I just got your book from Amazon last week and can't wait to try so many recipes. Congratulations on your pregnancy. Are you expecting your second or third babe? I have six kids under age 9 so I can relate. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Couldn't wait to get home from work and check out the new videos. Great Job. I have used pressure cookers for a number of years for cooking and canning. I just got the Cuisinart electric pressure cooker and am soooooo amazed. I'll likely be using my crock pot much less.
    Also, thanks for getting me HOOKED on food storage, grinding my own wheat and baking ALL our bread. You are so inspiring to get folks back to cooking at home and being more healthy.
    Please cont. to do your website and all you do for us. This is for sure one of your missions on this earth. THANK YOU ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. And… large batches of chili, a turkey, and potatoes for a crowd are all things I do in my large pressure canner! And, I did have an extension agent tell me not to use the smaller pressure cookers for canning even if the pint jars fit into it–I would check on the 6 quart size–that sounds a bit small. Not sure what the minimum size is for it to measure up to their standards–but they did say something about the time it takes for the pressure to build and release is significant in the canning process. I'm sure Extension can clarify that if it needs be… Thanks Crystal! I love refering ward members to your site!!! Did you know that Costco has the Cuisinart electric cookers for a great deal. They had them several months ago and ran out, but they are back at least at the South Town Costco in the Salt Lake area.

  7. Just wanted to say thank you so much for your site and information you provide. I have been recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and have gone back to basics with cooking from scratch, everything fresh and homemade. Your site has been a blessing for me and my family. THANK YOU and best of luck with the remainder of your pregnancy!

  8. Just wondering if the electric or the newer stovetop pressure cookers are as noisy as I remember my mom's being. Thanks!

  9. The electric ones definitely ARE NOT as noisy. In fact you can hardly hear
    them (much better than the incessant ticking of the stove top variety!)

  10. Just wondering if the electric or the newer stovetop pressure cookers are as noisy as I remember my mom's being. Thanks!

  11. The electric ones definitely ARE NOT as noisy. In fact you can hardly hear
    them (much better than the incessant ticking of the stove top variety!)

  12. I got my pressure cooker at Costco!

  13. New Pressure cooker here. I’ve watched your video’s and searched the internet and I still don’t the answer so I’m hoping for your help. My Pc is the same one that you show, my question..Is the pressure valve supposed to hiss the entire time it’s being used? I’ve only used mine twice and both times the float valve has come up but the timer didn’t start and the steam comes out of the pressure valve .Yes I have the dots lined up. All the liquid is gone when I open it up, guessing as to wether the food is done or not. Help..thank you for any help given.

    1. No, it isn’t. Mine does that sometimes and I just readjust it a tiny bit so
      it doesn’t hiss. It should hiss up until the valve goes up in the gadge but
      after that it should be quiet. Let me know if you have any other questions.

      1. oh..thank you so much. I’ll try again then if it still hisses at me ๐Ÿ˜‰ I will return for a new one .

  14. Modern innovations in pressure cooker design include safety locks, pressure regulators, portable cookers, and low-pressure fryers.

  15. Modern innovations in pressure cooker design include safety locks, pressure regulators, portable cookers, and low-pressure fryers.

  16. I have a pressure canner and use it regularly…but a friend of mine only has a pressure cooker. She wants to can pint jars of meat in it. (she can put 3 in it). She can regulate it up to 15 psi (we live in Austin Texas) I don’t think it would be safe to use a pressure cooker instead of a canner. What is your advice? you can email me at I have looked all over online and don’t seem to get much of an answer. Thanks. Debbie Howell

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