Square Foot Gardening 101: The Secrets for Planning a Successful Garden

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It’s finally here! The week long class dedicated to Square Foot Gardening! Because I am no expert on gardening, I’ve enlisted the help of Belinda Jensen the Square Foot Gardening pro from Home Gardens To Go to teach us all how to have successful, virtually weed-free gardens this year! If you haven’t met Belinda yet, make sure you check out the first day of the class posted yesterday which introduces Belinda and goes over the basics and benefits of Square Foot Gardening.  Remember, I’ve decided to dedicate all of this month to gardening and specifically this week long class with Belinda…because this is MY year and YOUR year to have a thriving hassle-free garden!


SQUARE FOOT GARDENING 101 DAY TWO: The Secrets for Planning a Successful Garden

Like any project you begin, it’s always best to have a plan!  But how do you know where the best place to put your garden is?  Or, how many boxes you should have? Or, what the specific rules for laying out your garden boxes are?  Well, today Belinda will go over just that!  Because before you can start-you HAVE TO HAVE A PLAN!

Tomorrow’s video will be all about building/setting up your boxes and box accessories.



Need more help with your garden? (Like me!) Belinda would love to help! Check out all she has to offer to help you set up your garden correctly. I personally had her come set up all of my boxes since I a) wanted to make sure it was done correctly and b) my husband works a lot of nights and Saturdays and didn’t have the time to dedicate to building and setting up boxes.

She is also offering all of you a FREE copy of Mel’s book The All NEW Square Foot Gardening with a garden package purchase-use the code “Q44I63MPGWH9Q” at check out.

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1 Comment

  1. Another great article.  I love square-foot gardening and raised beds.  I think it’s the best way to do it.

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