Does anyone else remember that commercial from about 10 years ago with the guy singing about Nachos to the “Macho Man” song? I always think of that when I make nachos because my 3 year old nephew would go around singing it all day long. Anyway, this is one ofRead More →

This wonderful recipe was given to me by my amazing cousin. She was thrilled to find out how easy it was to use her food storage and that her family actually drank it-powdered milk and all! [tasty-recipe id=”18273″]  

For dinner try thisĀ food storageĀ Enchilada Casserole…it’s for those of you short on time but LOVE enchiladas! It tastes just like the real thing and is so delicious and EASY that I don’t even make real enchiladas anymore! The other great thing is that a lot of the ingredients come fromRead More →

I just made the most TASTEY beef tacos on Friday. The meat was tender, savory, and very delicious. My husband thought I’d been cooking it all day. But I have a little secret he doesn’t know… I realize that in posting this, I will most likely blow my cover entirelyRead More →