So tonight I was talking to my best friend, the one I’ve known my whole life, and we were having a very serious conversation about favorite ice cream flavors as we ate our ice cream sandwiches.   She said hers was mint chocolate chip and strawberry with mix-ins.  I hadRead More →

And possibly, my favorite of all. Only because I LOVE fresh strawberries on vanilla ice cream and this is as close as I can get in the winter! Strawberry Syrup 1 1/2 c. freeze dried strawberries 2 c. water 1/2 c. sugar 1 T. lemon juice Mix ingredients together inRead More →

So why just stop at raspberry syrup? Freeze dried berries also come in blueberries (full of anti-oxidants) and strawberries (check out the recipe for strawberry syrup on Wednesday’s post!)! Not to mention that real blueberry or strawberry syrup (not that Hershey’s strawberry FLAVORED syrup) is extremely expensive and in someRead More →