So if you’re like me, you’ve wondered how in the world you will ever use those beans….because that is A LOT of chili!  And if you’re like me you only like to eat chili a couple times a year….NOT a week like is recommended (well, not that much chili butRead More →

Yeah! Back to School Week has started! Each day I’ll be covering basic cooking information about basic long term food storage items. You’ll want to pay attention because there may be a quiz with prizes at the end of the week. **HINT HINT…WINK WINK** I decided to start with PowderedRead More →

  To a lot of people this step of food storage is the scariest but, like most food storage principles, it is actually quite easy! I get asked questions all the time about what and LDS cannery is like and/or what it’s like to can things at home so watchRead More →