The EZ Bread Dough recipe has many uses and one of my favorites is to make it into cinnamon rolls. Now the most delicious cinnamon rolls I’ve ever eaten are from Cinnabon because they are filled with cinnamon, ooey-gooey, and covered in frosting. Super delicious! Now the problem with cinnamonRead More →

    Thank you so much for all of your support!  I loved receiving all of your emails and reading all of your success stories with food storage.  I wish so badly that I could meet all of you and talk with you because I already feel like we’re goodRead More →

Make sure you’re back here tomorrow to see if you won a copy of my new book “I Can’t Believe It’s Food Storage” and to attend my online book signing. You won’t want to miss all the details of how to get a FREE downloadable menu planning tool to helpRead More →

I absolutely LOVE hearing for you all of you and am even more excited when you share recipes with ME! Here are some bread recipes I was sent for our lessons on bread. 9 Grain Whole Wheat Bread (from Tiffany R.) This recipe makes 6 large loaves… In a blenderRead More →

Okay, I’m like you…BUSY!  And sometimes I don’t realize how late it is and how soon I’ll need bread.  Yikes!  But what can you do…bread takes a couple hours to make….or does it?  Well a normal yeast bread, yes, it does take a couple of hours.  But you can makeRead More →