As part of Thrive’s Black Friday weekend they announced their new Thrive gluten-free flour with the idea that you can use it cup for cup in your family’s favorite recipes to replace all-purpose flour.  Debbie and I, of course, wanted to know if the new Thrive gluten-free flour lived up to its claimsRead More →

Get our book before Christmas! Our book arrived from the printer a month early and is available for immediate shipping, hooray! Here are three ways you can get the best deal on our book, pay nothing for shipping, and get it delivered to you by Christmas! ONE BOOK: If allRead More →

Welcome to our first online class! We’re so happy you could join us and learn some new ways to use food storage, get prepared and to share it with others.  If you have any questions, please leave them as a comment and we will be sure to answer them. IDEASRead More →