Wow, where has the time gone! I’ve had a very fun and busy filled past couple of weeks. It was wonderful…I got to soak in some time with my new baby nephew, attend a family wedding, visit my family in Southern California, do A LOT of solar cooking (more toRead More →

Herbs in your Garden You guys are coming up with awesome questions!  I actually was mildly afraid to plant some herbs in my square foot garden before doing this video…and then I promptly went and bought some herb seeds!  Catch some of Belinda’s favorite herbs to grow and some newRead More →

So tonight I was talking to my best friend, the one I’ve known my whole life, and we were having a very serious conversation about favorite ice cream flavors as we ate our ice cream sandwiches.   She said hers was mint chocolate chip and strawberry with mix-ins.  I hadRead More →