Have you ever noticed that stew & stir fry meat almost seems magical…where does the stuff come from? I’m pretty sure they want you to believe that it doesn’t come anywhere except for them and they’d like you to spend the $4-5 a pound for it. Even if you lookRead More →

READ THE LABEL This is starting to sound familiar, right? Look and see what you’re actually paying PER pound. I know a lot of people buy stew meat because the total cost is only a couple of dollars, however, it’s almost $4 a pound (at least where I live) aRead More →

Tip #14 : Buy meat on SALE and stock up! Meat (especially beef) is sky rocketing right now.  And, like anything else it goes on sale-that is when you should buy it-alot of it!  It will save you at least $1 a pound and if you’re buying meat that isRead More →