I would be remiss if I left out a really great apple pie recipe. And this is a GREAT apple pie recipe. What better way to end pie week than with the pie Del would make on Thanksgiving! (If you missed her pie class on Monday, click HERE!) This is Del’s mother’s recipe and her favorite kind of apple pie. We brought it to a recipe swap at Relief Society and come home with a completely empty plate…not even crumbs! Give it a try…and of course we changed it to include food storage.

Sour Cream Apple Pie
Preheat oven to 375
1 pie crust for 9” pie
2 eggs (2 T. Dry Egg Powder + 1/4 C. Water)
1 cup sour Cream
1 cup sugar
4 TBS all purpose flour
1 tsp vanilla extract
¼ tsp salt
3 – 4 cups peeled, chopped and cooked apples (*note from Crystal, it is faster to re-hydrate dried apples. Place 2 1/2 dehydrated apple slices in 3 1/2 C. boiling water and let stand for five minutes, discard excess water )
In a large bowl beat eggs then add sour cream and sugar. Put in 4 TBS flour, vanilla, & salt and mix well. Stir in apples, and then pour into pie shell. Bake at 375 for 20 minutes
Crumb Topping
3 TBS butter – melted
¼ cup brown sugar
6 TBS all purpose flour
Mean while combine brown sugar, flour, & butter with wire whisk or whisk on mixer until crumbly (should look like small peas) After 20 minutes cooking take pie out and top with crumb topping, then return to oven and continue cooking for 20 – 25 minutes. Cool, cover and store leftovers in fridge.
Make sure you check back for more great pie recipes…and DEFINITELY enter this giveaway!