Food Storage Life Hacks: Homemade Brown Sugar

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Alright, this food storage trick is ultra-simple.  Did you know that brown sugar is simply molasses and sugar combined?  So we should be able to make it at home, right?  RIGHT!  But the real trick is finding cheap molasses.  Buying molasses in those little jars at your local grocery store is expensive.  However, if you can find a jug of molasses at your local big box store (I buy mine at Smart & Final).  I buy it in gallon jugs and it costs the same price as one of those little jars from the grocery store.  In fact, I use this trick so much that I don’t even buy brown sugar anymore!


1 C. sugar + 1-2 T. molasses=1 C. brown sugar

There you go, that is the big secret.  Now some people mix the two together before adding it to their cookies but I don’t.  Why do the extra step and dirty another dish?  Let’s say I’m making chocolate chip cookies, I just put in all of the white sugar (the amount called for white sugar plus brown sugar) and add in the molasses and butter and cream.  EASY!  The only time I actually mix my brown sugar is when I’m making my cinnamon rolls and am making the filling.

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