Well, if there is a way to make homemade sweetened condensed milk then you know there has got to be a way to make homemade evaporated milk with powdered milk! Isn’t food storage so great? It can do so many things and work great in so many substitution situations. This is also much cheaper to make at home. So bring on the pumpkin pie, rocky road candy, and every other recipe calling for evaporated milk!
Evaporated Milk (12 oz. Can)
1 1/2 C. Water
1/2 C. + 1 T. non-instant Powdered Milk (or 1 C. + 2 T. instant powdered milk)

Doesn’t that look delicious?! It was unbelievable, WAYYYYY better than anything you can buy in the store, TONS cheaper, and helps you rotate your food storage!! Plus, who isn’t a sucker for yummy hot fudge sauce. Just think this recipe makes 3 cups (24 oz.) of sauce for under $2.50 and a Smuckers bottle only comes with 11.5 oz. and costs $3.00, that means it would cost $6.25 to buy this much hot fudge at the store! You’ve got to make this a staple in your fridge!
[tasty-recipe id=”18428″]
Making this for tonight! Thanks for all you do!