Okay, I don’t even like pudding but since my husband does I thought I’d make him some (and what kid doesn’t like pudding?). I decided to try out my new magic mix pudding recipe and, well I took one bite and was SOLD!!! I’ve never had pudding that tasted so good, was so easy to make, and took such little effort…and to think it was made with food storage!
[tasty-recipe id=”18285″]
Your’s was the first blog I started following when I decided to start my food storage. Anyway, I know this is an older post but I wanted to let you know that this chocolate pudding is the best! In the past I’ve always made one from Joy of Cooking which is fantastic but a little time consuming. Yours tastes just the same, but uses my FS (Woot!Woot!) and takes less than half the time.
has anyone made cream of tomato soup using magic mix
I too have been following since your started. I even just bought your new book! I am in the NYC area, where people just are not interested in food storage- its beyond frustrating b/c I “tried” to “host a party for benefits” thru a prominent FS co. and only got less than 1% to come- it was a HUGE eye opener that people wont even regard the Red Cross minimums for FS.
Anyway, I NEED SOME EGG RECIPES. AND the RIGHT combo of water to reconstitute.
I used ProvPantry whole egg powder that was practically orange- and tasted awful as scrambled. Then I tried to use in baked goods- only to get rock hard results. I finally used in soup- better but very tiny curdles than strings I needed for Italian strachiatella soup.
I now use OvaEasy- they seem most like the real deal.
ALSO- if you could be so kind to post some recipes using FS and COCONUT powder- I would be thrilled. Im on PALEO diet and want MINIMUM CARBS. I also try to incorporate the OAT FIBER into regular flour by swapping out 1/4th to also get higher fiber =lo carbs.