Food Storage Saturday Show offs: Bosnian Wheat Dessert
I got this recipe from Stasha and was amazed at it’s simplicity AND her story. Do me a favor, and make sure you read all of her story (below the recipe) to hear from a real survivor and what life was like in a war torn Bosnia. This recipe isRead More →
Preparedness Fridays: Did you miss the GREAT SHAKE OUT?
You may remember me talking about The Great Shake Out in my Lessons we can learn from Japan post. Well the big day was yesterday to check how prepared you are for an earthquake. Did you do it? If you missed it, don’t get down on yourself. You can actuallyRead More →
Food Storage Cooking Club: More Food Storage Recipes with BEEF TVP!
Well, I’ve been waiting a LONG time for the right time to share these food storage videos (so long I may just look pregnant, though I’m not right now 😉 that I was able to do with Augason Farms. It was great fun helping to develop these food storage recipesRead More →
Food Storage Saturday Show Offs: Creamy Low-Fat Refried Beans
Today’s Saturday Show Off comes from Jenny P. Her and I share a couple things in common 1) we grew up in California 2) we love food storage and 3) are refried bean snobs! Put that all together and you get an easy, low-fat way to make your own deliciousRead More →
Preparedness Fridays: I brought the paper towels!
So what can the Muppets teach us about being prepared? Well in an emergency you may want to make sure you have your paper towels! Well…and paper/plastic plates, utensils, and cups! WHY HAVE PAPER GOODS FOR AN EMERGENCY? Why? Well if you have a limited water source you’re not goingRead More →
Food Storage Taco TVP
FOOD STORAGE TACO TVP So this is definitely a tvp you’ve probably already eaten in your life…because I’d bet money (in fact I had a friend that worked there) that certain fast food mexican joints use this because it’s so much cheaper than real meat. So unlike the chicken TVP,Read More →