Gourmet Pomegranate Chicken
This deliciously easy gourmet pomegranate chicken, highlights pomegranate, which is the new “in” food with all of it’s anti-oxidant powers and delicious taste, and is a PERFECTLY festive holiday food.
Candle S’mores
I actually heard about this activity from a friend with EIGHT kids! She did this with her kids when they were in their basement waiting out a hurricane with no electricity. So the beauty of this activity is that it gives you a great thing to do if the powerRead More →
Cookie Clay Dough
This is one of my favorite recipes! Your kids will have a great time making their own cookie creations with this Play-Doh like dough. It’s about a billion times better than Play-Doh because your kids can actually eat it! (I’m not the only one that has Play-Doh eaters, right?) TheRead More →
Kid Favorites
For these last few weeks of Summer, I wanted to share some of my kids favorite recipes. I love having my kids home during the Summer to cook with and try new fun recipes. So let’s enjoy these last few weeks with our kids before they go back to school!Read More →
Lessons I learned from using my All-American Sun Oven
What a fun ride it has been to try and use my Sun Oven every day! I started this journey as a way to force myself to get familiar with my Sun Oven. Living in Arizona, cooking with your oven is a double edged sword. Not only does it heatRead More →
Sun Oven Dump Cake
Okay, so I realize the traditional Dump Cake is more of a dutch oven dessert but since I secretly love Dump Cake (and my kids love to help me make it since it’s pretty much the easiest dessert ever) I thought I’d give it a go in the Sun Oven.Read More →