Homemade Bathroom Cleaners
In my last post, there was an inadvertent error in one of the recipes saying to mix bleach with ammonia. YIKES! That is not safe and not recommended. The post was corrected but be sure to never add those two chemicals together! Did you know you can even use homemadeRead More →
Homemade All-Purpose Cleaners
Even simple all-purpose cleaners can be made at home using ingredients you have around the house! I have several for you to choose from, depending on what you’re looking for. This are so easy, simple and cheap. Anyone can make these homemade all-purpose cleaners! Simple All-Purpose Cleaner 1 c. whiteRead More →
Homemade Stain Remover
Now just in case you have a SUPER stain that you’re worried the regular laundry detergent can’t handle, there are also homemade versions of laundry stain remover. Super easy to make and use! HOMEMADE LAUNDRY STAIN REMOVER 2/3 c. Dawn dishwashing liquid 2/3 c. ammonia 6 T. baking soda 2Read More →
Homemade Laundry Starch Spray
I actually just ran out of my starching spray, so you can imagine how excited I was to find this recipe! It’s so easy and who doesn’t have corn starch around? HOMEMADE LAUNDRY STARCHING SPRAY Light: 1 T corn starch; Medium: 2 T. cornstarch; Heavy: 4 T. cornstarch Dissolve cornstarchRead More →
Deluxe Homemade Laundry Detergent
Interestingly enough, I have received many questions lately about homemade laundry detergent. Honestly, I’ve been really skeptical about homemade laundry detergent. I’ve tried many different recipes and haven’t been pleased with any. So the real question is, why am I posting about it? Because I’ve CHANGED! I found this recipeRead More →
Homemade Cleaning Basics 101: Part 3
Before we get into the recipes for homemade cleaners, I think it’s really helpful to understand what each ingredient does and WHY. I’ll briefly go over the main ingredients you’ll find in homemade cleaners, why they work on what they work and give some basic uses for each one. ThisRead More →