Food Storage Life Hacks: Dehydrated Onions
Need to save some time in the kitchen? Then stock up on these babies! No more chopping, no more peeling, and no more mascara running while you cut onions! These are so easy to use and so cheap! Don’t bother with the freeze-dried variety. They aren’t as flavorful, cost more,Read More →
Store This, Not That! Reviews
STORE THIS, NOT THAT! REVIEWS Through the years, as we teach class after class, we are always asked what our favorite products are. That is always a tough one to answer. We have our favorite go-to items which not only meet our needs, but make cooking and eating everyday meals andRead More →
Food Storage Life Hacks: Dehydrated Carrots
Dehydrated carrots are one of food storage’s best kept secrets. Now, don’t get me wrong, you’re not going to need a billion cans of these but you should definitely have at least a few! They are great in soups and casseroles, or my favorite carrot cake! Again, why spend theRead More →
Food Storage Life Hacks: Dehydrated Apple Slices
So on the same theme of hating peeling and slicing…let me now talk about dehydrated apple slices. Not only are the great as a snack or in lunch boxes, but they make apple pies, apple betty, or any baked good requiring apples. Actually, did you know that dehydrated apple slicesRead More →
Food Storage Life Hacks: Dehydrated Potato Shreds
If you don’t have dehydrated potato shreds, you have to get them! They make amazing hash browns or my favorite funeral potatoes (or cheesy potatoes or whatever your family calls them). There is nothing more ridiculous than peeling and shredding potatoes. Especially when using dehydrated potato shreds is as easyRead More →
Food Storage Life Hacks: Easy Mashed Potatoes
Food storage mashed potatoes is one of my favorite time savers! And if you know how to make them taste like homemade, it’s even better! I actually just made this last Sunday when we were having some people over. I was making a really yummy slow cooker roast (I shouldRead More →