Food Storage Life Hacks: Using Wheat Flour
Alright, so I’m still on the wheat band wagon. Not only does it have a lot of health benefits but it is cheap compared to the other ancient whole grains. (For the price of what it would cost to feed a family of four a serving of quinoa you couldRead More →
Food Storage Life Hacks: Beans for Butter
I love cooking from scratch because when you do you a) have more control over the ingredients and b) you have more opportunities to use your food storage and c) can do it for a lot cheaper! But here is one of the greatest food storage life hacks-EVER! Using beansRead More →
Food Storage Life Hacks: Cooking with Kids
I really love cooking with my kids, it really is one of my favorite things to do! I usually have them cook dinner with me at least one day a week and they make cookies with my husband every Sunday (it’s not embarrassing that my husband makes way better cookiesRead More →
Food Storage Life Hacks: No-Fail Whipped Egg Whites
Okay, so this next food storage trick just may be the greatest thing since sliced bread! Have you ever tried to separate the egg white from the egg yolk? Whether you were trying to make an Angel’s Food Cake, Meringues, or anything that involved whipped egg whites you probably stressedRead More →
Food Storage Life Hacks: Homemade Cream Soups
Yep, don’t you just love the convenience of condensed cream soups? I know I do, but sometimes I don’t love the ingredients. That is why I love making my own condensed cream soups straight from my food storage. After all, a cream soup is nothing more than a flavored whiteRead More →
Food Storage Life Hacks: No-Fail White Sauce
Did you know that good cooks at the turn of the century were judged by their white sauce? It’s true! And now we barely make them because, well, they can fail. Now with the help of food storage you can now make a no-fail white sauce anytime. And when youRead More →