Banana Cream Pie Recipe-with Magic Mix!
I received so many great pies from viewers that this week! (THANK YOU!) This pie looks delicious and I think would work well with vanilla or with chocolate pudding. Brooke sent me this delicious looking Banana Cream Pie that uses Magic Mix pudding and is loaded with vanilla wafers (WhoRead More →
Perfectly Shaped Rolls plus my favorite Roll recipe for Thanksgiving
Well, it’s definitely time to talk Thanksgiving favorites and the best place to start is with rolls! (So what that means is you should check back for more great Thanksgiving recipes and tips!) If you’re anything like me, you can be a little intimidated by yeast breads. I’m going toRead More →
All Things (Food Storage) Thanksgiving
Oh YEAH! Thanksgiving is my all time favorite holiday! What a wonderful time to get together with family, reflect on our many blessings, great food, good conversations, black Friday shopping…need I go on? I’m getting really brave this year and will be hosting my very own Thanksgiving. (It’s always goodRead More →
Thankful Turkeys
Growing up we always had an Family Home Evening before Thanksgiving where we made Thankful Turkeys. I think it’s a great way to talk about gratitude with kids and to really make it a focus this week. I want the same for your family, so I found the thankful turkeyRead More →
Back to School Survival: Homemade Corn Dogs
What kid doesn’t love corn dogs? What kid wouldn’t love making their own? Wouldn’t it be great to make your own corndogs at a fraction of the price while using up some of your food storage? Corndogs are SO expensive. This is so simple, tasty, and fun (not to mentionRead More →
Back to School Survival: Lunch Organization Tips
Thank you so much to Cami who sent me all of her WONDERFUL ideas on how she gets prepared for school lunches. It’s such a great idea and I’ve heard it from a couple of other people as well (including Tammy who gave us that AWESOME blender no-bake cheesecake recipe)Read More →