Alright, I’ve decided (since it’s FINALLY warming up) that it’s time for the Sun Oven class again! I want you to have time to watch it and soak it in so I’m breaking the Sun Oven class up into 15 minute sections and will post a new section every day.Read More →

Here is my own tip that I learned last year-only a raving patty pan squash loving person would plant FOUR plants. So, yes, I must have been a raving patty pan squash lover…or at least this year I’m only going to plant one! It’s a good thing one of myRead More →

Okay, so there are a lot of things you’re supposed to prune: fruit trees, rose bushes, but tomatoes?! I had no idea. But there was a lot I never knew about gardening. And obviously, after last year’s garden-I’m a believer in ANYTHING Belinda tells me to do to have aRead More →

Okay, on a side note…check out all the produce I picked in just one night from my garden last year! Bountiful Baskets-eat your heart out! The best part was eating those strawberries for dessert…mmm… Anyway, I’m hoping you guys are jumping on the composting bandwagon! I’m loving it! Seriously, itRead More →