It’s finally here! The week long class dedicated to Square Foot Gardening! Because I am no expert on gardening, I’ve enlisted the help of Belinda Jensen the Square Foot Gardening pro from Home Gardens To Go to teach us all how to have successful, virtually weed-free gardens this year! BelindaRead More →

It’s finally here!  The week long class dedicated to Square Foot Gardening!  Because I am no expert on gardening, I’ve enlisted the help of Belinda Jensen the Square Foot Gardening pro from Home Gardens To Go to teach us all how to have successful, virtually weed-free gardens this year!  I’mRead More →

Okay, here is the beautiful thing about this homemade Bisquick Mix vs. other online recipes….there is an entire recipe booklet to go with it!  Thanks to the Utah State Extension Service, I’m pretty sure I have dinner for the next couple of weeks!  (Maybe I need to add one moreRead More →

So…in the middle of getting my garden ready for filming (YES!  Next month will be all about gardening-including a week long class with the Utah Square Foot Gardening EXPERT!) we cut our cable line and I haven’t had internet all weekend.  Plus, my adorable niece got married over the weekendRead More →