Okay, so I’m not going to lie. I was super proud of this meal. It came mostly from my garden and food storage and was perfect for a warm Summer night. So good in fact, that I knew my friends over at Super Healthy Kids would even approve! (btw-if you haven’t checked their blog yet, it is a MUST! They have the best ideas on getting your kids excited to try new and healthy foods!) (Everything-the crepes, salad, everything!) I’ve had to get a little creative since every day I pick more and more items from my garden that need to be used (insert dehydrating posts, soon to come). Of course I don’t have any problems with extra raspberries or strawberries, my 4 year old takes care of those 😉 but the zucchinis and other vegetables can get a little overwhelming. Anyone up for a cucumber or zucchini giveaway?!
Anyway, one hot summer day last week the before mentioned raspberry and strawberry sneaker had “visited” France that day at her day camp and had fallen in love with Crepes. And really, who wouldn’t? She wanted to have some for dinner so we could all try some and “visit” France. Oui Oui! I told her I could easily make some but that crepes for dinner have a different filling then the breakfast variety. Still excited at the prospect I threw this little beauty together including my just purchased goat cheese. Okay, don’t get turned off by the fact that I really just said typed Goat Cheese. It is a mild cheese with a soft consistency close to cream cheese-and I love it! (Yes, I’ve dreamed of owning a goat so I could make cheese-but that is besides the point). You could easily substitute in cream cheese or feta cheese according to your family tastes. Now, this is where you ask if you could use yogurt cheese (a cheese made from straining yogurt)…yogurt cheese is a little tricky when you’re going to use it in something instantly hot (like a frying pan with hot vegetables) because curdled yogurt cheese and vegetables probably wouldn’t have a good ending. You could use it if you were going to mix cooled vegetables in a bowl. For that matter you could probably just use yogurt and flavor it how you’d like with fresh herbs. Anyway, the thought occurred to me while I was eating this that it all seemed so gourmet for a picnic table and two little kids and it all came from my little garden and food storage. I tell you, anything is possible! Especially when you have a good garden and good food storage!
[tasty-recipe id=”18371″]
Sorry, this isn’t an exact science. Basically all you have to do is saute any combination of vegetables you’d like. I used zucchini, red and yellow bell peppers, and green onions (that’s what I had on hand). I also grilled some chicken and diced it. When everything is cooked, throw in some herbs (used basil) and cream cheese, feta, or goat cheese to coat. Roll up in the crepe and I garnished with a Balsamic type salad dressing. Really, the possibilities are endless with this and so easy!
Did I forget to mention that my 4 year old was nervous about me making crepes with out a crepe maker machine like her teachers? Yeah, we had a lengthy discussion on my mad cooking skills. Well really it doesn’t take much talent to make crepes they are easy-once someone shows you how to do it. So join me, as I teach you how you too can have mad cooking skills to impress your pre-schoolers! 😉

These whole wheat crepes with vegetable fillings look stonking. It really is no wonder why you are so proud of it, and you ought to be too as it is making my gob water this very minute. I will try to make something similar. Weather has been horrendous on this side of the pond but I won’t let bad weather get in the way of me enjoying a good old summer treat.
Great recipe,Crystal,thanks for sharing it. It was delicious!