If you’ve every tried to serve milk shakes as a fun treat with dinner then you know the problem with them. You have a SERIOUS timing issue because they need to be served RIGHT AWAY or they get soupie and then the whole experience is ruined! So why not makeRead More →

What kid doesn’t love corn dogs? What kid wouldn’t love making their own? Wouldn’t it be great to make your own corndogs at a fraction of the price while using up some of your food storage? Corndogs are SO expensive. This is so simple, tasty, and fun (not to mentionRead More →

You may remember that I’ve developed a little love affair with Magic Mix.  You know that little mix I make with flour, powdered milk, and butter to make incredibly easy white sauces.  This meal is easier and CHEAPER then you’d ever imagine…now that we can use food storage and ourRead More →