What is a produce co-op?  It’s where you join with others to buy your produce-getting you a better price and eliminate the grocery store.  This can be fun because you pay the same amount each time you pick up produce (giving you a fixed cost in your budgeting) and youRead More →

Not all packaging is equal Not all packaging is equal…in weight I mean. So, let’s say you’re going to buy celery and all the bags say they weigh 2 pounds and cost 99 cents. What they really mean is weigh ABOUT 2 pounds. What does that mean for you? Well,Read More →

Some grocery stores actually cater everything around the “Grab and Go” shopper. The type that needs to get in and get out and doesn’t care about the cost. These end of aisle displays are meant for convenience in shopping. The same Oreo and milk grocery store by me always hasRead More →