It’s that time of year again-72 Hour Kits!

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Fall and winter are fast approaching and you know what that means….time to go through your 72 hour kits and check your smoke detectors! This is something you should do every six months, when was the last time you did it?

Make sure when you are going through your 72 hour kit that you make sure the clothes are season appropriate and fit (think young kids that grow quickly) and that the food and water are still good. You may want to also consider adding nylons to your 72 hour kit after last week’s post with 5 good reasons why you should have them in your 72 hour kit. Happy spring, I mean fall cleaning your 72 hour kit!


Well, then consider this your friendly reminder to get one.  A basic one is better than nothing at all and the greatest thing is you can gather a lot of what is needed just around your house.  For a more complete list, you can read my other posts about a 72 hour kits for you HOME and CAR. Or you can also purchase them (these are nice because they are always light weight), Shelf Reliance has some good ones, if you’re interested-click HERE to learn more about them.


The Sun Oven sale ends on Monday (Oct. 3, 2011)!  To learn more about it, click HERE.

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1 Comment

  1. SMOKE DETECTORS!  I haven’t checked mine in WAY too long!  Off to do it right now!

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