Store this not that: Food Storage Style…TVP Chicken and Freeze Dried Chicken
TVP CHICKEN VS. FREEZE DRIED CHICKEN & CANNED CHICKEN Okay, so I tried. I really, really tried to stomach the chicken tvp. I tried putting it in a really flavorful soup but here’s the thing, the fake chicken taste is hard to hide (in fact nothing I did hid it).Read More →
Preparedness Fridays: Emergency Lights
Don’t get caught in the dark in the event of a true emergency! Have you ever thought of having lights on around your house that automatically turn on when the power goes out? Because you should! Not only is it a great way to have light all around your houseRead More →
Food Storage Sausage TVP & Eggs
First of all, thank you to those who came and saw me at my book signing at Deseret Book. It as great to meet you! Yep, you knew we had to go there some day….and today is the day! The day we start talking about food storage TVP. TVPRead More →
Saturday Food Storage Show-off: Pioneer Brownies
Who doesn’t love a good brownie recipe that also includes food storage? I was so happy to receive this recipe for all of us to try. It has beans, wheat, and honey. Sounds great! This recipe is from Sade and she says… “Hey Crystal, You inspired me to try theseRead More →
It’s that time of year again-72 Hour Kits!
Fall and winter are fast approaching and you know what that means….time to go through your 72 hour kits and check your smoke detectors! This is something you should do every six months, when was the last time you did it? Make sure when you are going through your 72Read More →
My new favorite food storage breakfast: Cooked Wheat Cereal
Alright, so if any of you are tired of buying cold cereal and would like to know how to use more of your food storage to have as cereal (outside of the obvious oatmeal) this is the post for you! I have a new favorite cereal and it comes straightRead More →