Q&A January-Ask Away!

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Happy 2012! I hope your holidays have been as fantastic, relaxing, and filled with delectable food and delightful company as mine have been.

I’m excited to bring in 2012 with a question and answer session! Here’s your chance to ask questions about anything and everything Everyday Food Storage–nothing is off limits, so let’s talk cooking, picky palates, making time for it all, anything you like. Food Storage is an important part of everyone’s life, and I’m all about sharing the knowledge!

You have until January 31st to ask any and every question your cute little heart desires, on facebook or via direct email at everydayfoodstorage(at)gmail(dot)com

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  1. What are your favorite “non-essential” storage foods – such as baking mixes, dried fruit, meat, etc. and where is your favorite place to get them.

    Thanks and Happy New Year!

  2. How do you find time to make things from scratch when you work full time?  I would love to grind my wheat and make homemade bread, tortilla shells, etc.. but I work full time and have 3 small kids. Where do you buy most of your food storage items?  Like dried fruit, veg. etc..

    1. Try a little to start with–maybe use some bread mixes in your bread maker.  It really doesn’t take that much time.  When my kids were small, I went to school full time, worked part time, was active in my church and still had time for baking and canning and making all of our clothes.  Oh, the boys father and I were divorced so I was a single mom too.  It can be done if you think through your priorities. 

  3. When I work full time I don’t have Saturday to bake and make all day.  My husband works Saturdays. 

  4. Another question-how do you eat health on food storage?  Like weight watchers, biggest loser,  etc… It’s a lot of fresh veg. and fruit, etc…

    1. My Mom does weight watcher and she eats a lot o freeze dried fruits.

  5. Do you have other recipes for yogurt cheese? The cheese cake is great. I tried it for cream cheese icing and it was a fail. Would love recipes that work that call for cream cheese please.

  6. Just saw a recipe on Tasty Kitchen (Pioneer Women blog) on how to make ricotta cheese. It called for whole milk. Could you do it with powdered milk? Have you will you try and let us know?

  7. What size loaf pan do you bake your EZ whole wheat bread in?  Mine never seems to rise as nice as yours and I’m wondering if my loaf pan is too big.

  8. How can I make a thick sour cream from powder sour cream?

  9. I have used your EZ wheat bread recipe and love it! I modified it to make in my Zojirushi bread machine and it comes out better than any other whole wheat recipe I’ve made.

    My question: Do you have any recipes to make biscuit dough with food storage, similar to refrigerator dough? That would totally make my day!



  10. Dear Crystal – i wanted to ask you, how to use your recipices, as i´m not able to get cake-mix etc. that you by in the states- could you make a chart to use other stuff as well – my food storage is getting bigger day by day. Since it´s difficult to get egg-powder and milk-powder, where i live, i would like to know, if i can make it my self. Thank you and happy new year

  11. Crystal I have read numerous posts or comments about certain kitchen aid mixers burning out or having a difficult time mixing multiple amounts of bread dough at a time. I have noiticed that Kitchen Aid mixers come in different wattages and prices and was wondering if you knew how low a wattage a Kitchen Aid can go to be effective in mixing bread doughs and not struggle with the mixing. I realize the Bosch Mixers reccommended by some might be the best bet at 800+ watts but are pricey. I see in some of your videos you have a Kitchen Aid on your counter and use it. Has anyone done any research on the Kitchen Aids and their wattage in relation to bread dough mixing?   

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