Meat Stocking Up Tips
Tip #14 : Buy meat on SALE and stock up! Meat (especially beef) is sky rocketing right now. And, like anything else it goes on sale-that is when you should buy it-alot of it! It will save you at least $1 a pound and if you’re buying meat that isRead More →
Take a Minute and Get Produce that is Ripe & Good Quality
Pick produce that is ripe-so you’ll eat it! There is nothing worse than bringing home mealy apples or squishy grapes. Here is a quick guide from Good Housekeeping to know how to pick your produce correctly. Fruit Signs they’re fresh Signs you shouldn’t buy Apricots Uniform golden color; firm toRead More →
Try a Co-Op for your Produce
What is a produce co-op? It’s where you join with others to buy your produce-getting you a better price and eliminate the grocery store. This can be fun because you pay the same amount each time you pick up produce (giving you a fixed cost in your budgeting) and youRead More →
Produce Shopping Tips
Not all packaging is equal Not all packaging is equal…in weight I mean. So, let’s say you’re going to buy celery and all the bags say they weigh 2 pounds and cost 99 cents. What they really mean is weigh ABOUT 2 pounds. What does that mean for you? Well,Read More →
Beware of Stealth Downsizing at the Store
I recently came across this article from the NY Times about this exact thing and EVERYONE needs to read it. It goes in depth why companies are doing this, how to combat how they will re-market these items to you, and it’s effect on the future of that product. ThisRead More →
Read the Receipt or Watch the Prices as they Ring Them Up
If you don’t do this, I can guarantee you’re paying more for items. I notice a mistake at least a couple times a month on my groceries. Most often, the price is incorrect in the computer. And, yes, I’m one of those annoying shoppers that will make the cashier sendRead More →